Unbelievably Amazing Facts about Grammar and Spelling
The vocabulary and grammar play an important role to make the content engaging to read. Therefore, any writer should try to pay full attention while writing the text. Similarly, the editors face a lot of issues when they begin to edit any draft for an ideal vocabulary and grammar.
There are some amazing facts you must know about spelling and grammar:
- Pneumonoultramic
roscopicsilicovo lcanokoniosis is the longest English word based on 45 alphabets. It is a kind of disease caused in your lungs. - Do you know that flutterby was the actual name of a butterfly?
- The letter pattern is used in lots of words related to your nose. These words are a sneeze, snooty, snozzle, snort, snore, snot, snub, sniff and snout. Isn’t it interesting?
- There are many ancient words, slang, and abbreviations borrowed from different languages in English. Some examples of abbreviations are flu and rev. These are acronyms of influenza and revolution.
- In the English language, one new word is added in every two hours. This makes a figure of four thousand new words in vocabulary annually.
- The English language has the shortest complete sentence is ‘I am’.
- In the year 1755, the first dictionary of English has been written for the use of common people.
- It isn’t grammatically correct to use term ‘long time no see’ as an actual translation of Chinese and US native phrase.
Free Spelling and Grammer Check Tools Free Help

Image credit: essaybasics.com
A lot of free grammar and spelling check software are available for editing the content in a proper way. Some of the tools are offered by the trusted sources while some only cheat on people. Therefore, it is better to make some research before choosing a free spelling and grammer check. You must know the reviews of people about the tool you’re going to use for grammar checking in the future. A good grammar checking software or online tool never ask for payments multiple times. You must think thrice before choosing the best free grammar and spelling check. Make sure that you never pay in advance for any kind of grammar checking tool. You must assure that the online spelling and grammar checker is capable enough to provide you desired results.
How to Get the Best Free Grammer and Spell Check?
There are plenty of options when it comes to choosing a best free grammar editor. However, you can use our developed tool that shall never go to make you dissatisfied at all. First of all, the free tool for grammar and spelling editing works like a paid version. Secondly, our tool shows results with justified reasons of each correction. You’d get the credible online sources that provide evident results of modifying the sentences and phrases. This is the best platform to enjoy free grammar and spelling check with no limit of words.
Even the minor grammar and spelling errors can have a bad impression of your content in front of the readers. If you’ve no ample time to rectify all grammatical and vocabulary issues in content, then our offered tool is the most suggested option for you. You simply need to visit our page and enjoy the limitless English grammar online check of the content with no hassle. Secondly, the whole process of editing multiple pages hardly take few minutes. It is time-saving, cost-effective and requires less effort as compared to the manual editing. It is the guarantee that you will find our editing tool quite convenient and easy to use as well. It is better to go for a trusted option instead of wasting your precious time and energy. The grammar and spelling correction wasn’t this easier before.
Let’s improve your writing with the premium quality spelling, plagiarism, and grammar checking online. The free grammar and spelling check tool is available with valuable features!