Learning how to write in good English can be one of the most challenging tasks, especially for non-native English speakers. So if it is not your native tongue, you may be one of those that struggle how to come up with a polished paper, including essays, blogs, and research papers. Below, you will find some of the most common mistakes in English and their corrections. Later, you will learn how to use free online grammar checker with corrections for checking your paper vs. mistakes.
Grammar Corrector: Common English Mistakes
Wrong |
Right |
I have visited Las Vegas last weekend. |
I visited Las Vegas last weekend. |
The woman which works in the office is from Singapore. |
The woman who works in the office is from Singapore. |
She is married with a doctor. |
She is married to a doctor. |
She was exciting in the class. |
She was excited in the class. |
I must to call her today. |
I must call her today. |
Every students likes the class. |
Every student likes the class. |
I enjoyed from the theater. |
I enjoyed the theater. |
I look forward to meet my teacher. |
I look forward meeting my teacher. |
I like very much cake.. |
I like cake very much. |
He can to drive. |
He can drive. |
Where I can find the bathroom? |
Where can I find the bathroom? |
I live in US. |
I live in the US. |
Grammar Correcter: Common English Mistakes & How to Fix Them
Wrong apostrophe position
Once you know how to use it, you will know where to put it in your sentence. This is a problem for many people. Some of them use it when forming a verb’s plural, especially when words end with a vowel.
To correct it, remember that one is used to indicating the belonging or possession of someone or something else. “The boy’s room is right next door.” It is also used to indicate that something belongs to at least two people. In this case, it has to be placed after the ‘S.” “The boys’ room is right next door.”
One can also be used in making contracted words, “don’t, shouldn’t, haven’t…”
Do not use it when indicating a plural of a word. “The horse’s are running in the field.”
Your vs. You’re
“Your” means a possession, something belongs to “you”; “You’re” is the shortened form of “you are.”
Wrong: “Your lovely.”
Right: “You’re lovely.”
Wrong: “You’re pen.”
Right: “Your pen”
Use Free Online Grammar Checker with Corrections
If you want help when checking your paper against mistakes, you may want to use a grammar correcter that is designed and created to spot common as well as advanced mistakes in English writing. All you need to do is to copy and paste, or cut and paste text from your word document and then press the button for checking. After a couple of seconds, it will return the results and give suggestions on how to check your paper. You can perform the same procedure of transferring the text to your word document. Read your paper again and see mistakes that the tool might have missed.
Use our free online grammar checker with corrections today!