Spell check software helps in checking text for grammatical errors and corrects them so that the writer can submit a well written piece. The top spell checkers are:

Image credit: twitter.com
This is spell checking software that helps writers anywhere they are writing from provided there is a text area. You can use it in MS Word, webmail, MySpace or even Facebook. WhiteSmoke.com is effective in checking any kind of grammar mistakes.
It uses writer algorithmic approach that detects correctly spelled words such as whether or weather but are used in wrong context. This is what makes it to be almost foolproof. White Smoke enhances spelling within seconds of a writer pressing a key. Users get a return to all suggestions for their text.

Image credit: twitter.com
Grammarly is one of the best spell check software due to ability to check hundreds of spelling and grammar errors. After identifying the mistakes, it provides helpful explanations and explains conclusively how the mistake can be corrected. Grammarly.com algorithms flag the potential issues in text and provides context. The suggested corrections enable users to make informed decision on the way to correct an issue. The advantage of using Grammarly is that it is readily available for all browsers and does not require downloading.

Image credit: paperrater.com
PaperRater.com is one of top spell checkers in the market. You can easily access it as it does not require the downloading of software. It provides free proofreading online and a reliable grammar checking software. A vocabulary builder is one of the unique PaperRater.com features. It can be used to spell check any kind of writing and give accurate report.

Image credit: en.wikipedia.org
GingerSoftware.com is the best free grammar checker software that identifies spelling mistakes, misuses words, and other grammatical errors in context of entire sentence. It is a spell checker that can be used by native and English Second Language speakers. Ginger Software checks grammar usage even for correctly spelled words to determine if it makes any sense in a sentence and offers alternatives for misplaced words.

Image credit: spellcheckplus.com
SpellCheckPlus.com is another free spelling and grammar checker that is effective in identifying thousands of words that people confuse when writing and are usually ignored by other spell checkers. It is found online therefore can be accessed any time from all types of computer aiming to save your time from grammar check software reviews.
SpellCheckPlus.com updates itself automatically. It is easy to use because it does not overwhelm the users with messages about sentences if they are perfectly correct. Second language learners of English take it to be the best spell checking software since it targets the errors they make. It has a pedagogical approach therefore encourages learning.
Searching for the best spell checking software, it is right here!